Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take... but by the number of MOMENTS that take our breath away...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Well, it's time to move the 'ol blog. New, fresh and more professional is just what we need! So check out the new blog, bookmark it and love it! God knows I DO!! I will be adding and updating the new blog so this one will sit, untouched. You can come back anytime to check out previous posts, but it will not be updated again.

Here is the link to the new professional, GORGEOUS blog. Sorry, I'm just so excited to be taking yet another step! So fun! Thanks! See you over there...

1 comment:

Lindsay Bateman said...

Aaagghh!! The biggest, hugest congratulations EVER! Just checked out the website....AMAZING! So exciting. Absolutely love it girl. And your latest photos of your sis...just gorgeous!
I will be updating my blog link with your new site ASAP!