Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take... but by the number of MOMENTS that take our breath away...

Monday, April 7, 2008


Here are a few from a shoot I did with my own kids... again. Yes it was torturous, it is always harder with your own kids!


Anonymous said...

my comment

Anonymous said...

OH Ally!! I really love all of these pictures of the kids! Way to capture their features in really neat ways! Keep up the awesome work!
Destiny A.

Anonymous said...

Another job well done!!! You're doing great. You've got an amazing talent. Keep letting that talent shine through.

Anonymous said...

Ally your eye for a picture is amazing!!! I look forward to checking your blog to see your recent work...keep up the good work. It just get better and better!!!! CW

Anonymous said...

Love them!

d d p h o t o g r a p h y said...

ok u are getting better and better! im proud of u!