Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take... but by the number of MOMENTS that take our breath away...

Saturday, January 31, 2009


I was fortunate enough last weekend to have the opportunity to help out at this session with my good friend Jana.  And what an opportunity, TWINS!  I felt so welcomed into their home, which was warmed by a hot fire and calmed by the soft music playing in the background.  These babies were amazing! Sleeping and peaceful pretty much the entire time.  Such a perfect experience, thanks so much Jana.

One of Jana LOVING her job!


Anonymous said...

love them alli -- great job! and you are a sneaky one too!

Anonymous said...

Great Job Alli!! Like I said to Jana they are so precious they brought tears to my eyes....You guys did an amazing job!!!

Anonymous said...

I love twins. The brother of a buddy of mine is having triplets in a couple months. I am so hoping to get in there for a session.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your twin sesssion turned out great!! I love the one where they are all cuddled up together and the he has his arms over her!!! Too Cute! Amazing pictues...keep them coming!

Memories For Life Photography said...

Awesome job Alli!!!!! You are so lucky to have had that opportunity to do these. You did an amazing job.....Love them!

Adrienne said...

Good job Allison! I love the close crop best... adorable!

d d p h o t o g r a p h y said...

Oh my goooodness!! i love love love #1 and LOVE # 3 the best..these are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are incrediably precious!! You are a very talented and amazing daughter who makes me proud. Love you, Mom