Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take... but by the number of MOMENTS that take our breath away...

Monday, July 27, 2009


In June I had the wonderful opportunity to visit with these girls mom and auntie, while we shot a few "6 months" pictures!  It was so much fun, I could have wasted away all day there just visiting and laughing!  It has been so great getting to know you all, thank you again for everything!


Thursday, July 23, 2009


I have some really bad news about me.  It could be so much worse and I thank God that i am ok and have such loving, caring friends and family.  I broke my leg last Saturday night trying to wake board.  My femur snapped in half and i was taken to the U of A hospital in Edmonton for surgery.  I now have a rod going straight down through my femur bone, screwed at my knee and at my hip.  I don't have a cast and have been doing physio so i am able to get around, barely for now.  It is already starting to feel better and I think i am getting the pain under control without to many side effects.
Unfortunately this affects my photography quite a bit.  I will be canceling or rescheduling or referring clients who are currently booked with me through July and August.  i am waiting until the end of August to see for September.  Things seem to be working out so far.
I will continue to update my blog as i still have quite a few sessions to go through and finish and post, which fortunately i CAN do!

I want to take this opportunity to THANK everyone who has been involved in my accident from the beginning.  My friends and family have been so unbelievable, I am so blessed.  From holding me in the water and calming me to carrying me up on the stretcher... I can still see their eyes looking down at me, to cleaning and packing our trailer and boat.  Also to Jana who will be helping me with a wedding.  Now that i am home, the help is continuing with the kids and cleaning and meals.  I am finally up, which is a huge accomplishment, so it can only get better!  I love you all so much, thank you, thank you , thank you.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

sweet expressions.

This has to be one of the cutest little babies around!  So adorable and full of expressions, happy to have his picture taken, despite some technical difficulties!  We managed and I'm pretty happy with the end result, although the credit here goes to the adorable little boy!  It really helps that my clients are so good looking!  Mom was so easy going and relaxed, i so commend you for this.  You will have a calm, happy child!  Enjoy your memories!









So, we've been home now for about 18 hours and reality is starting to set in...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Found it again!

We're back! My family and I headed out to B.C. on July 1st. Our journey took us to a wedding for my uncle in Elkford (pics of that to come), then to Vancouver for a couple days and out to the island. We wanted our kids to see the ocean for the first time in their little lives! It was so worth it. After the rain and dreary weather in Vancouver, Victoria proved it's nickname of the sunshine coast! We just did so much and the most important being the reconnection with each other! On our way home we swung through Kelowna to visit dear friends of ours we have known since our days in Whitehorse, Yukon, many moons ;o) ago! Only to discover they are expecting child #2! They are those friends that i am sure everyone has, you know the ones you are so close to, yet only talk once, maybe twice a year, then see each other and pick up like it was just yesterday. Anyway, big surprise and perfect timing, they are due in a little over a month, so I was quickly able to take some maternity pics (posting to come)!

Now back to reality, well, almost... home in time for laundry and grass cutting, then packing up for a big best friend birthday camping bash!! Yes, then I will be working on my backload of editing.

Ok, so I will be posting pics from many sessions, please bear with me! Just a side note to anyone curious... I post pics from sessions only once the complete session is done and ready for proofing and I finish sessions in the order in which i shoot them. With summer being the busiest, it takes a little while. This is also my most favorite season and LOVE to camp with my family and friends, that is where balance comes in...

Don't worry, i've got it!

More pics of sessions, weddings and B.C. trip coming soon!! I can't even wait. I love my life!